Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lazy day

Its a beautiful spring day ,but my studio is still a shambles! I had'nt realized what a supply pack rat Ive become! I set up a spot where I can hang my doll s form the ceiling as i work,but I would like one of those metal banana trees so, I can hang them in the oven as well. It would be great to have no more flat bums and toes.

So this is my humbly pretty veiw outside the window in my workshop. How do you like our lawn? Now I know what youre thinking ,but this unmowed, tousled wildflower feild look takes alot of effort!!! heh heh

Across the way you can see the niebors roof. behind our bare grape vine. The trees of heaven are naked too,but They get the neatest red leaves! Heres a picture from a few years ago. With a shiwadlion Ive picked.


  1. Nita, I so envy you your window looking out on that beautiful expanse of nature! Love your lawn! It's natural and beautiful. Have to go google "shiwadlion" to see exactly what it is - almost looks like a salamander type of creature
    in the pics.

  2. hmmmm...I googled it and the only return I got was this blog entry.

  3. That is such a beautiful view you have, I am envy too! I would also like to know what a shiwadlion is. please tell!

    Hope you have a great day!


  4. I guess it's one of her gorgeous neshuke!
    What a great view and who cares about the unmowed lawn with this view.

  5. What a beautiful place Nita.... no lawn to mow.... FANTASTIC!
    I'm glad your relaxing...
