Here she is in all her glory ,though I have to say her photos dont do her justice! Im so proud of myself for making this dress. ...Yes dont snicker you talented seamstresses! Im so intimidated by costume design,but naturaly I have an unatural love for expensive fabric and vintagey trims and lace so, what better excuse to buy it than to sew PreRaphealite and medieval gowns? I learned about the joy of interfacing and that I desperatly need cloth reserved scissors and that frey check could be my best friend.

I hope you approve of my fox. Its my first and hopefuly Ill get alot better at it. She does have eyes somewhere burried in shadow. Mi lady also has braids that cascade from her temples if you can see them. *grumbles* I get by with a little help from my friends! Tiny rubyred swavarski crystals (on the celtic necklace) Gorgeous moss green silk and "Delectable mountain" batise courtesy of Bev Choi,Victoria Mock, Heidi:)