Set the pigeons loose!Sound the trumpet's! At last the ulimate love my my life has walzed in. This is what Ive been searching for! I have been studying Polish and French Monstrance, I have been oogleing metallic vestment laces. I have been sculpting dear child martyrs with holes in their chests containing relics and I have petted the memory of my teenaged admiration for the bust of King Charlemagne!

this heavenly relequary bust is via Morbid Anatomy! I take it as blessing Woot!
Im finishishing things up. Scarlet is nearly ready and Ive decided not to included the body this time. Ahhhhh rats! Buuut, it will happen truly. Ive sold my book and used that to bid on pink lambskin. I see you lamb=( My body to grow the grasses that your children's children eat.As soon as I can I will replace with reclaimed leather.

This is a closeup of Scarlet's unusual birthmark. I dyed some nasty greenish blond hair I had into a brown to use for scarlet,but it still seems the wrong tone for her.
I thought you might like to see her nitch has a diamond studded door this time and can be opened easily on a hinge to reveal the content. A faux baby tooth.

Scarlet was a child born blind and with a unusual birthmark and showed unusual talents. A kind child, wise beyond her years.