I Found out yesterday that Doll magazine is out and there is Briar right on the cover looking Gorgeous in face up and gown by Aimee (Armelia) of DOA. Righteaous huh? Inside you can see Briar "Secret garden" too.
http://www.dollsmagazine-digital.com/dolls/200904/But Im really excited that yesterday I got a wonderful bunch of packages. The first was full of parts for me to edit. Ill redo Briar, give her a new head and make improvements in her design.
I got a nice ghost white Briar to be tricked out as Sandman's Lady death in a few months( for Jeff;) and do you like sweets?....I got a special Briar, Im so delighted with... a sinfully decadent toffee BJD! Ive named her Melusine :D Ive decided shes cajun or creole.. and from around the 1920's 30's She could lounge about like a lenci boudoir doll or saucy smoker in those floaty sheer dresses with beading and I must use tea stained laces I think!
Id love to make a cellophane and dogeared cardstock original vintagy sales box for her that says "Eat me!" Or" soft liquor center"! And give her an Alice in Wonderland theme and tea set with mini cakes... The wig here is actauly a rabbit fur hat I made. Ill proabably sculpt a polished flapper type hairstyle that will stay on and cling close to the head. I have so many ideas for her! This pic is a little dark to see,but Ill be taking new photos when I get her fixed up.

I really dont know how the faux folk art/ prim art is done except to stain a bit with coffee or tea. but I love that stuff. maybe its hard to tell since Ive become a sculptor,but those simpler things still call out to my heart.
The next package was my shrine peices. *rubbs hands together* They turned out perfect! Im busy right now finishing up my Emma Godess..chesty lil thing>G<>
The last package was fat quarters! Yay!I love fat quarters and just the wordsy...fat quarters tickles me. Say it with me now loud and with zest!...
Ahaha phych! I didnt say it out loud! Now dont you feel like a fool*points* I got some Hoffman batik really affordably. I might even use it rather than bring it out to pet and squee over. That used to be what Id do with cloth ^-^ ,but now. Its make with the scissors doll!