I havent been blogging lately cause things have been happening too fast! For a while now Ive been creeping back into the desire to paint. Not too activly pursuing but, feeling old wounds had healed and I was interested again. One small step I gessoed a wood panel.
While on FB I discovered the art Of Dino Valls and saw such a kinship in our vision... only his of course is flat out masterly! maybe an echo of what I could be. I felt even more inspired to paint again. I even read up on his medium egg tempera.
Not liking the acrylic gesso finish of my wood panel I began again to read about what was needed to make traditional gesso or gofun. I bought the whiting and calcium carbonate and read about how you must heat rabbit glue..sounded nasty. I hesitated to buy that. Was it really that important to make my own? Dont I have enough on my plate?
Well , I got a sweet message from a stranger through Esty. My work was admired and did I need some supplies?
I thought this was odd. Well I got to talking with this person,Annie and she asked me if I knew what black oil was.. I didnt. I found she is an oil painter and uses traditional methods to achieve luminous glazes. Grinding her own paint, painting on wood grounds and had also been researching gesso and gofun. Annie sent me rabbit glue she happens to have,piments and medium and promised to teach me Maroger's methods she learned from her husband who learned directly from Maroger.
Im very honored to be a sort of descendant of this knowledge! Marogers hands touched and restored these old master paintings and saw with his own eyes what Ive only seen in photos.
Mixing the pigment the smell of linseed oil was like an old friend gone a long time. Im looking forward to seeing what I can do different now.
Up above is "Secret of Plum" a WIP. Im planing on trying to paint her with these old paints as well. Shes an experimental piece.